Category Archives: Events


Regular Leagues will be on Wednesday and Friday nights 7PM start time. The first Wednesday night is January 5th and the first Friday night is January 7th! It will last 12 weeks. Youth league will be on Saturdays at 10am starting January 8th! Youth will be 10 weeks long. One more thing... In stock 2021…
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Week 2 Scores

Here are the scores for the second week Monday, Wednesday and Friday night leagues. There is a TAB on the bottom of the scores to view the Team Scores. If i have miss-spelled any names let me know and I can fix them. Chad Gray​ Monday Wednesday Friday
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2019 Leagues

WHO'S READY FOR INDOOR SEASON? ***2019 ADULT LEAGUE SIGN UP*** Monday, Jan 7th - 7pm Weds, Jan 9th - 7pm Friday, Jan 11th - 7pm 5 Spot target - 300 round scoring (12 weeks - $200) ***2019 KIDS LEAGUE SIGN UP*** Starting Saturday, Jan 5th @ 10am 10 weeks total - $100 Space is limited…
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Week 10 Scores for the Adult League.

Week 10 Scores for the Adult League. YOU HAVE TO TURN IN MAKE UP SCORES BEFORE THE END OF WEEK 12! So you have two weeks! Go Shoot! Monday: Wednesday: Friday:
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